
Hybrid Features
RDM: 106 Days
Excellent Early Vigor
Great Stalks, Roots, and Husk Cover
Plat at Populations between 26,000 to 32,000
Trait Options: CONV, GT, DV, DVEZ
Placement Guide
Highly Productive Soils 8
Moderately Productive Soils 7
Less Productive Soils 7
Grey Leaf Spot 9
Northern Leaf Blight 7
Goss's Wilt 6
Common Rust 6
Corn after Corn N/A
Fungicide Response 8
Drought Tolerance 8
No-Till 10
Agronomic Characteristics
Seedling Vigor 8
Leaf Angle 7
Stalk Rating 8
Root Rating 8
Plant Height 9
Ear Height 8
Tar Spot Tolerance N/A
Staygreen 10
High Population Tolerance 9
Ear & Grain Characteristics
Ear Length 10
Ear Girth 7
Ear Flex 16
Kernel Rows 16
Test Weight 9
Cob Color Pink
Husk Cover 8
Drydown 9
Silage Quantity 9
Silage Quality 9