
Hybrid Features
RDM: 110 Days
Late Flowering Hybrid with Good Drydown
Good Dual Purpose Option
Consistent Ears with Deep Kernels
Excellent Grey Leaf Spot Tolerance
Trait Options: 3110GT
Placement Guide
Highly Productive Soils 9
Moderately Productive Soils 9
Less Productive Soils 8
Grey Leaf Spot 9
Northern Leaf Blight 6
Goss's Wilt 5
Common Rust N/A
Corn after Corn 8
Fungicide Response 5
Drought Tolerance 6
No-Till 8
Agronomic Characteristics
Seedling Vigor 7
Leaf Angle 7
Stalk Rating 6
Root Rating 6
Plant Height 7
Ear Height 8
Staygreen 8
High Population Tolerance 8
Ear & Grain Characteristics
Ear Length 8
Ear Girth 8
Ear Flex 8
Kernel Rows 14-18
Test Weight 6
Cob Color 10
Husk Cover 6
Drydown 8
Silage Quantity 9
Silage Quality 8